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design games

  1. Stake Holder Analysis with Lovely Links (SHALL)

    Stake Holder Analysis with Lovely Links (SHALL)

    SHALL is short for Stake Holder Analysis with Lovely Links. It consists of mapping all the stakeholders possibly interested in a problem through their organization and inter-organizational relationships. Each stakeholder is mapped as a doll and relationships are loosely represented as a thread connecting the dolls. The game starts by asking the participants to map […] - Apr 6, 2020
  2. Idea Market

    Idea Market

    Idea Market is a design game I developed for pitching and developing ideas while looking for partners in entrepreneurship programs. Participants start alone with their idea and progress by selling it to someone who is willing to give up his or her own idea. It is a very competitive game since nobody wants to give […] - Nov 1, 2018
  3. The Transformative Potential of Game Spatiality in Service Design

    The Transformative Potential of Game Spatiality in Service Design

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C. and Garde, Julia. Games to explore the possibilities of space and the space of possibilities in service design. Simulation & Gaming, 47 (5), 2016, p. 628-650. - Mar 4, 2016
  4. Organization change at a major hospital

    Organization change at a major hospital

    Clinics Hospital of Paraná had problems to coordinate the work of the surgery unit, materials unit and the surgery center. The patients were already suffering from the bad effects of their political fights. I was called to conduct a pilot study if my design games could help overcome the struggle. The hospital was undergoing a major organization […] - Dec 13, 2015
  5. A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

    A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

    I presented a drafty paper at INSCOPE, a conference about Social Innovation. My goal was to get some feedback about the theoretical framework I’m working on to link creativity to organizational change. Instead of taking creativity as an eureka moment or as talent of an individual, I take it as a social process. According to […] - Oct 27, 2011