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  1. Publication Design

    Publication Design

    In the Publication Design course, students are asked to write and design a book that lets the oppressed say their word to the world. If they see themselves as oppressed, they can write in the first person. If not, they can interview people that see themselves as oppressed and write in the third person or […] - Sep 20, 2021
  2. Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed was a free online course offered by UTFPR, in partnership with the Design & Oppression network in 2021 and 2022, as part of larger efforts to strengthen Brazilian universities’ international reach. In it, several members of the network presented their work and promoted dialogues. The course shares the accumulated experience of […] - Aug 26, 2021
  3. The Anthropophagic Studio:  Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design

    The Anthropophagic Studio: Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C and Gonzatto, Rodrigo Freese. (2020) The Anthropophagic Studio: Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design. Digital Creativity, 31(4), p. 259-283. DOI: - Jul 25, 2020
  4. Research Methodology

    Research Methodology

    Research Methodology is a 30 hours course from the Graphic Design bachelor at UTFPR. It is an introduction to scientific, academic, and design research, with the proper distinctions. After this course, students are ready to think about the research they want to conduct in their final work. My approach to this course becomes quite unusual […] - May 10, 2020
  5. Prospective Design graduate program

    Prospective Design graduate program

    Prospective Design is a new Master’s program of UTFPR, currently under evaluation by the national higher-education agency of Brazil. I helped to develop its curriculum and research structure. The program is focused on designing transition technologies for sociotechnical systems that urgently need to prioritize relational qualities, such as sustainability, resilience, equality, solidarity, or conviviality. Historically, […] - Apr 8, 2020
  6. Design and Culture

    Design and Culture

    45 hours – Graphic Design — UTFPR This course, taught with Marinês Ribeiro dos Santos in 2019, ties the dots between design, culture, and society. Designers are producers and also reproducers of cultural artifacts, signs, and experiences. Being conscious of this fact helps them to find possibilities for changing oppressive cultural patterns and normalities. - Mar 28, 2020
  7. Creativity


    30 hours – Graphic Design — UTFPR Creativity is not a personal trait of a genius but a social activity that can be perfected through practice. The basic premise of this course was featured in a news item on TV Paraná Turismo. The theoretical framework of this course is based on Cultural-Historical Theory of Creativity (Vygotsky) […] - Mar 28, 2020
  8. Design for People: Laboratory of Design and Social Innovation

    Design for People: Laboratory of Design and Social Innovation

    60 hours – Bachelor in Design – UTFPR This studio course lets students discuss and realize the role of design in increasing or decreasing social inequalities. To realize that, they must develop a design project together with a disenfranchised community. Before joining a community, however, they must learn how to design together. Hence, the course […] - Mar 23, 2020
  9. Experience Design

    Experience Design

    80 hours — Design — UTFPR — shared with Dr. Cayley Guimarães This course introduces the broad view on Experience Design that existed before User Experience Design: designing for memorable moments through multi-sensory media and interactive spaces and technologies. The final project aimed at enabling personal transformations through design, probing into the next step of […] - Sep 2, 2019
  10. Sustainable design

    Sustainable design

    Sustainable design (Design Theory 4) is a regular 30-hour course from the Design bachelor at UTFPR. My approach for this class was to avoid discussing sustainability as a technical issue and rather to deal with the political challenges of sustainability, the crisis of modernity, and the Anthropocene, in a similar way it was done in […] - Jun 11, 2019
  11. Apple Developer Academy PUCPR

    Apple Developer Academy PUCPR

    Since 2013, Apple has a partnership with several Brazilian Universities to offer an educational program to attract and train new software developers in their mobile application ecosystem. The program is called Apple Developer Academy and it includes everything a newcomer needs to develop a new app. The program is customized for each partnership to better […] - Mar 28, 2019
  12. Participatory Undergrad Program Evaluation (2018)

    Participatory Undergrad Program Evaluation (2018)

    In 2018, the Catholic University of Parana set to revise all its undergraduate programs to find opportunities for more active learning. I was invited to create a workshop model to revise each course with the participation of its stakeholders. The undergraduate courses in Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Veterinary Medicine, and Dentistry adopted my workshop model, which called […] - Oct 31, 2018
  13. Human-Computer Interaction

    Human-Computer Interaction

    32 hours – Graduate course in Informatics program at PPGIA/PUCPR. This course introduces Human-Computer Interaction as a field for interdisciplinary research related to Computing. The main concern of this field is the behavior of humans when interacting with the computer and when interacting with other humans through the computer. Issues such as usability, accessibility, communication, […] - Aug 15, 2018
  14. Cities and Technologies

    Cities and Technologies

    Cities and Technologies is a 30 hours graduate course from the Urban Management program from PUCPR. The course was delivered by professors Rodrigo Firmino, Fabio Duarte, Rodrigo Gonzatto, and Frederick van Amstel. After reading and discussing various articles from the field of Science, Technology, and Society (STS), the students engaged in three workshops led by […] - Apr 28, 2018
  15. PIBEP Entrepreneurial scholarship program

    PIBEP Entrepreneurial scholarship program

    PIBEP is an innovative scholarship program offered by PUCPR. Students receive money and mentoring to develop their own business ideas. I codesigned the program with Business School professors, taught a design thinking workshop and mentored design-led startups. The program is intensive and fun. Students must work in multidisciplinary teams and test their ideas as soon as possible […] - Sep 13, 2016
  16. Renault Experience 2.0 (2016-2017)

    Renault Experience 2.0 (2016-2017)

    Renault Experience is a competition run by Renault car manufacturing company in partnership with Brazilian universities. Students form teams and develop new mobility services or products within an online platform. The platform guide students to developed their ideas using a design thinking framework I developed. The framework was developed using the UX Cards planning tool. The open innovation […] - Sep 13, 2016
  17. Digital Design Final Work

    Digital Design Final Work

    Regular course – 160 hs – Digital Design Bachelor – Catholic University of Paraná This course guides Digital Design students in their final work assignment. The assignment consists of developing a project in any domain of Digital Design: digital video, games, animation and hypermedia. Students have total freedom to do what they want in their projects, however, they […] - Aug 8, 2016
  18. Digital Design Trends Laboratory

    Digital Design Trends Laboratory

    Regular course – 40hs – Digital Design Bachelor – Catholic University of Paraná This course helps students find a relevant topic for their final graduation work. They learn how to deal with trends and receive the task to identify today’s digital design trends. The trends identified are published in an online magazine. At the end […] - Aug 8, 2016
  19. Interaction Design

    Interaction Design

    Regular course – 80 hs – Digital Design Bachelor – Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) – Taught together with Rodrigo Gonzatto This course develops students’ creative and critical skills related to technology and society. Since the Digital Design Bachelor has already separate courses on Usability, Information Architecture, Ergonomics, and Interface Design, the Interaction Design course focuses […] - Aug 8, 2016
  20. Information Architecture

    Information Architecture

    Regular course – 40hs – Digital Design Bachelor – Catholic University of Paraná Information architecture is presented as a means to structure, organize and access information in diverse systems. The course introduces the 7 process of Information Architecture: planning, gathering, classifying, managing, navigating, visualizing and retrieval. During the class, practical exercises are proposed for each process. […] - Aug 8, 2016
  21. Design Thinking

    Design Thinking

    45 hours – Graphic Design – PUCPR. This is an elective course offered to students from any of the bachelors of Catholic University of Paraná. The purpose was to provide them the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary projects based on the design thinking approach. Syllabus: Typology of design thinking, wicked problems, co-creation, grassroots design, participatory design, design […] - Aug 7, 2016
  22. Educational Game Design

    Educational Game Design

    Educational Game Design is a 45 hours graduate course from the Design program of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The course was delivered in collaboration with prof. Andre Battaiola. The syllabus includes readings on Game Design and Cultural Historical Activity Theory. The initial classes reproduced some experiments with entertainment and educational games. The Silent Game […] - Apr 28, 2016
  23. Service Design

    Service Design

    Regular discipline – 16 hs – Post-graduation in Digital Business – Positivo University In this course, students learn how to attract and retain users of a service. They develop their service ideas through a teaching game called Ideas Market, explained in the video below. The class becomes a studio for service design entrepreneurs. Low tech materials […] - Aug 11, 2015
  24. Collaborative Future Making

    Collaborative Future Making

    Prof. Pelle Ehn from Malmö University gave a Masterclass (45 hours) at the University of Twente about the latest advances in his research group from the 2nd of February to the 17th of April of 2015, as part of the initial activities of the UT DesignLab. This course was based on a book called Making Futures. Frederick assisted […] - Jan 19, 2015
  25. Ergonomics and Usability

    Ergonomics and Usability

    Regular discipline – 24 hours – post-graduate program in Interior Design – Sustentare Business School Three Cognitive Psychology theories are presented: Information Processing, Activity Theory and Embodied Cognition. The first one show students how the mind works, the second one helps working with social constrains and the third one accounts for affect and emotions. For […] - May 12, 2010
  26. Interaction Design Practice

    Interaction Design Practice

    Regular course – 30 hours – post-graduate program in Web Development – UEM. This course is a Design introduction for programmers. Design is presented in a practical manner in order to show how it´s methods can help the team collaborate to achieve the best Web user experience. Each student group had to create a Web […] - Apr 10, 2010
  27. Interaction Design Foundations

    Interaction Design Foundations

    Regular discipline – 40 hours – post-graduate program in Interaction Design – Faber-Ludens Interaction Design Institute. The goal of this course is to engage students into deep reflection about the possibilities of Interaction Design. The biggest challenge is to make them perceive that Interaction Design is not tied to any particular technology. It does what […] - Jul 9, 2009
  28. Usability and User Interfaces Ergonomics

    Optional discipline – 30 hours – Undergrad Course on Design – Unisul This was the first discipline in the optional Digital Design emphasis. The Bachelor encompass all the areas of Design, but in the last year they can get emphasis on one area. In this discipline, they have to perceive that their generic methodologies could […] - Jul 7, 2009
  29. Sociology of Technology

    Sociology of Technology

    Regular discipline – 24 hours – post-graduate program in Interaction Design – Faber-Ludens Interaction Design Institute. Technology can be used for social control or for social freedom. The main goal of this discipline was to demonstrate the social impact of technology and to inspire designers to be conscious of it´s accountability. Adopting the Social Design […] - Jul 4, 2009
  30. Feasibility Design

    Optional discipline – 30 hours – Undergrad Course on Design – Unisul At the last discipline of the Digital Design emphasis, students has to learn how to develop a viable product for the local market. They has to prove that their projects would be feasible culturally, economically and technologically. Project management, business plan and technology […] - Jul 12, 2008
  31. Faber-Ludens Interaction Design Institute (2007-2012)

    Faber-Ludens Interaction Design Institute (2007-2012)

    Inspired by European Design schools that embraced the Digital Culture, like Ivrea Institute and its successor, Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design (cIId), a multidisciplinary group founded Faber-Ludens Institute for Interaction Design in Curitiba, in 2007. As a non-profit organization, Faber-Ludens had a democratic (sometimes anarchic) governance model, which favored intense collaboration between its members and […] - Mar 26, 2007
  32. Graphic Animation for the Internet

    Graphic Animation for the Internet

    Regular discipline – 80 hours – Undergrad Course on Web Design – Opet This was the first contact students had with the Macromedia Flash software, an major tool for web designers. In order to create a ludic context for learning software operations, students were assigned to produce a short animation movie. Before using Flash, they […] - Jul 7, 2006
  33. Writing for the Web

    Writing for the Web

    Regular discipline – 60 hours – Undergrad Course on Web Design – Opet The Web Design Course at this University was considered a Communication Course, so this discipline was fundamental to them. The first discussion was about linguistic bias against people that didn’t have concluded their basic studies. In Brazil, there are many people that […] - Jul 7, 2006
  34. Literary Analysis and Expression

    Regular discipline – 30 hours – Undergrad Course on Design – Unisul A writing course for designers. Most students didn’t like to write, so this was a tough discipline. In order to motivate students, they were challenged to start a blog about any professional topic they like. This was the first blogging experience for some […] - Jan 7, 2006