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  1. Educational Game Design

    Educational Game Design

    Educational Game Design is a 45 hours graduate course from the Design program of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The course was delivered in collaboration with prof. Andre Battaiola. The syllabus includes readings on Game Design and Cultural Historical Activity Theory. The initial classes reproduced some experiments with entertainment and educational games. The Silent Game […] - Apr 28, 2016
  2. Design thinking applied to the final work

    Design thinking applied to the final work (2016) was a short talk given at PUCPR teaching seminar. The talk shares the experience of using design thinking for supporting Digital Design students in their final work. The approach was useful for finding themes according to user and audience needs and desires. Through organized collaboration between students, […] - Apr 27, 2016
  3. Smart Urban Mobility Lab (2016-2018)

    Smart Urban Mobility Lab (2016-2018)

    The Smart Urban Mobility Lab (SUM-LAB) is an initiative by two local universities – the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and the Federal University of Technology Paraná (UTFPR) – and the University of Twente with the support of the City of Curitiba. Researchers from the partners will work together in the SUM-LAB to formulate the […] - Apr 20, 2016
  4. Co-designing and commoning

    Co-designing and commoning

    Botero, A., Martilla, S., Van Amstel, F. M. C., Seravalli, A.,and Saad-Sulonen, J.(2015) Co-designing and commoning, in Tham, M., Edeholt, H., Ávila, M. (eds.), Nordes 2015: Design ecologies, 7 – 10 June, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden. - Apr 2, 2016