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  1. Commoning design and designing commons

    Commoning design and designing commons

    Botero, A., Marttila, S., Poderi, G., Saad-Sulonen, J., Seravalli, A., Teli, M., & van Amstel, F.M.C. (2020, June). Commoning Design and Designing Commons. In Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation (s) Otherwise-Volume 2 (pp. 178-180). DOI: - Jun 24, 2020
  2. Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition

    Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition

    Eleutério, Rafaella P. and Van Amstel, Frederick M.C. Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition. (2020). In: Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference. Manizales, Colombia. DOI: - Jun 13, 2020
  3. Creative coding

    Creative coding

    Creative coding can be described as a programming style that seeks to express values, feelings, meanings, and ideas through software code. For example, I designed the Coralizando book cover with a Processing script to express the plurality of the book contributors in a way I wouldn’t be able with a regular drawing. This style is […] - Jun 11, 2020
  4. Value Voting

    Value Voting

    This method uses Genis Carrera’s Values Deck to visualize the priorities of a group, project, or organization. The method is relatively simple: gathering the people involved to vote on the human values they want to produce together. Each card represents a human value, such as sustainability, creativity, wealth, etc. They are laid down on a […] - Jun 10, 2020