Course design and design (in)discipline (2020) was a talk given at the Innovative practices in higher education panel from UTFPR teaching seminars. UTFPR has been conducting debates and workshops on Course Design, a pedagogical approach that aims to promote innovation in education. Despite borrowing the term Design, this loan does not reach cutting-edge research in the area, nor the pedagogical practices specific to this area. This talk describes an experiment conducted in the undergraduate course “Designing for Social Innovation” in 2019. The experiment consists of a course entirely designed with the participation of students, not only in planning but also in conducting classes and evaluations. The result of the experiment suggests that the course provided a life experience for students, more than an opportunity to develop content or skills necessary for the profession. Experiments like this can serve to expand the dialogue between Design and Education and, perhaps, develop hybrid concepts, such as “Course Codesign”.