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  1. Value Voting

    Value Voting

    This method uses Genis Carrera’s Values Deck to visualize the priorities of a group, project, or organization. The method is relatively simple: gathering the people involved to vote on the human values they want to produce together. Each card represents a human value, such as sustainability, creativity, wealth, etc. They are laid down on a […] - Jun 10, 2020
  2. Idea Market

    Idea Market

    Idea Market is a design game I developed for pitching and developing ideas while looking for partners in entrepreneurship programs. Participants start alone with their idea and progress by selling it to someone who is willing to give up his or her own idea. It is a very competitive game since nobody wants to give […] - Nov 1, 2018
  3. Classroom-to-Studio Transformation

    Classroom-to-Studio Transformation

    I like to teach through developing projects as done in design studios. Most of the times, students need to adapt regular classrooms to work like design studios. I encourage them to appropriate the classroom space in any way that is  better to support their creative activities. Along the years, we learnt together many ways to […] - Nov 1, 2018