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Epistemologies of the South

  1. The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective

    The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective

    Pelanda, M. F. L., & van Amstel, F. M. C. (2021). A fumaça digital: inversão infraestrutural do COVID-19 pela perspectiva Yanomami (The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective). International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 8(1), 69-85. - Mar 18, 2021
  2. Participatory Design in Transition Projects from the Global South

    Participatory Design in Transition Projects from the Global South

    Multiple versions of Participatory Design emerged in different contexts and disciplines. Despite taking advantage of knowledge generated by the Global South, such as Participatory Action Research, Participatory Design is mainly practiced based on Northern theories, such as critical theory, post-structuralism, and phenomenology. Despite their contributions to building a democratic approach to design, these theories did […] - Mar 25, 2020