Pelanda, M. F. L., & van Amstel, F. M. C. (2021). A fumaça digital: inversão infraestrutural do COVID-19 pela perspectiva Yanomami (The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective). International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 8(1), 69-85.

Abstract: The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic revealed weaknesses in modern socio-technical systems. In the global South, it has made visible the political / business project that benefits from oppression while avoiding international discourses of preserving people and nature. Through the intertwining of the concepts of infrastructural inversion, of infrastructure studies, with the concepts of Omama, Urihi-a, Hutukara and Xawara of Yanomami shamanism, this essay seeks to understand the political-ecological connections that became apparent during the pandemic phenomenon in the Brazil. The work reconstructs the narrative of the pandemic from the mapping of the historical relations of oppression that emerged during this process. The text ends with reflections and methodological notes on possibilities of changing focus on the practices of information infrastructure projects based on Amerindian thought.
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