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  1. Brazil Open Government Act

    Brazil Open Government Act

    Last week, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff signed a decree for starting the National Open Government Plan (Portuguese). The main objectives are: Increased availability of governmental activities information, including spending and performance Support for social participation in decision-making New technologies for managing and offering public services Increased public information transparency process and technologies Better accountability and […] - Sep 19, 2011
  2. Open Design and weapons of mass destruction

    Open Design and weapons of mass destruction

    Yesterday I went to the Open Design Now book launch in Amsterdam. People were so excited with the possibilities of openness, that few mentioned potential drawbacks of it. The only potential drawback discussed there was about the possibilities of not making money from it. It’s true that Open Design doesn’t have clear business models right […] - Jun 9, 2011
  3. Power over Mediated Agency and its Ethical Implications for Interaction Design

    AbstractThere is little discussion about power within Interaction Design field. To call attention to this issue, we present a model for discussing conflicts that arises at the human-artifact interface. We argue that artifacts support human behavior by providing adaptations, but these adaptations can expand or restrict human actions. Human action cannot be fully controlled by […] - Jul 7, 2010