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Matters of Care in forming feminist design coalitions

Eleutério, Rafaella P.; Van Amstel, Frederick, M. C. (2023). Questões de cuidado na formação de uma coalizão de design feminista [Matters of Care in forming feminist design coalitions]. Arcos Design, 16(1).

Abstract: This research questions matters of concern as the ontological basis of design coalitions, especially in oppressed social groups like women. In contrast to the literature on design for social innovation, the feminist literature points to issues of care as the aggregating element of coalitions. This reconceptualization of design coalitions is necessary to prevent an anti-sexist initiative from becoming a tool of the oppressor. This reflection arises from the experiences gained in a participatory design project that sought to amplify voices from a community of women coffee producers in an agricultural region of Brazil. The project’s experience is systematized through the historical mapping of the caring relationships established among actors to generate transformations in the ecosystems in which they are inserted.

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Categories: Journal publications.

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