Frederick M. C. van Amstel, Rodrigo Freese Gonzatto, and Gláucio H. M. Moro. 2018. Improvised Video as a Medium for Learning and Designing Interactions. In Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems(IHC 2018), Raquel O. Prates, Heloisa Candello, André P. Freire, Isabela Gasparini, Marcelle Mota, and Bianchi Serique (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 28, 11 pages. DOI:

Abstract: The video format has a long history in Human Computer Interaction research, in particular, in documenting interactions in usability tests and ethnographic studies. This format is also employed, to a lesser extent, to improvise new interactions, such as in video prototyping, collaborative videoing and design fictions. This makes video interesting for studio-based education in Interaction Design, however, the current available studies in literature do not empirically evaluate how this medium supports learning. This research looks at how students learn the interactional language of Information and Communication Technology by making improvised videos at a Brazilian Digital Design course. The evidence collected suggests that improvised videos works as bridge between the interactional language students need to learn and the audiovisual language they already know from popular media such as Cinema and Television. The Brazilian New Cinema movement was particularly influential in this case, and, therefore lies the ground for this research’s teaching recommendations.
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