Dors, Tania M.; van Amstel, Frederick M.C.; Binder, Fabio; Reinehr, Sheila dos Santos; Malucelli, Andreia. (2020). Reflective Practice in Software Development Studio: findings from an ethnographic study. In: Proceeding of the 32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Munich.

Abstract: Over the last two decades, software educators have adopted new approaches, techniques, and tools for practical learning. Previous research has found that studio-based learning is suitable for learning the practical aspects of software engineering. This research strand recognizes reflective practice as a characteristic feature of software development studios. However, they did not show how this practice contributes to learning. The goal of this study is to understand the use of reflective practice in software development studios and its contributions to the practical learning of software engineering. This is pursued through an ethnographic method, which involves participant observation, written students´ self-reflections, and qualitative data analysis. The findings suggest that reflective practice promotes the emergence of new ideas while contributing to the development of skills that are valuable to software engineering professional practice. This research presents a qualitative look at how these are developed in the context of a particular software development studios.