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  1. Céu Brasileiro Memorial Bot (2021)

    Céu Brasileiro Memorial Bot (2021)

    Céu Brasileiro is the final work of Humberto Salmazo to obtain his Graphic Design degree at UTFPR. It is a twitter bot which displays the daily COVID-19 deaths in Brazil in a poetic way. Céu Brasileiro explores the combination of Graphic Design and Web Development expertise to create a robot that interacts through a Twitter […] - Jan 8, 2022
  2. Prospecting a systemic design space for pandemic responses

    Prospecting a systemic design space for pandemic responses

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C.; Guimarães, Cayley; Botter, Fernanda. (2021). Prospecting a systemic design space for pandemic responses. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(1), pp.66-80. DOI: - Mar 22, 2021
  3. The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective

    The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective

    Pelanda, M. F. L., & van Amstel, F. M. C. (2021). A fumaça digital: inversão infraestrutural do COVID-19 pela perspectiva Yanomami (The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective). International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 8(1), 69-85. - Mar 18, 2021