Céu Brasileiro is the final work of Humberto Salmazo to obtain his Graphic Design degree at UTFPR. It is a twitter bot which displays the daily COVID-19 deaths in Brazil in a poetic way.

Céu Brasileiro explores the combination of Graphic Design and Web Development expertise to create a robot that interacts through a Twitter account. The primary goal was to automate the generation and publication of GIF images that represent the number of daily deaths by COVID-19 in Brazil as stars shining in the blue sky. The data-generated image is an allusion to the central circle of the Brazilian national flag.

The project grew out of the student’s dissatisfaction with the way the Brazilian government dealt with the pandemics and how the public normalized the immense human losses. 700.000 Brazilians died out of COVID-19 since the pandemic started. The bot answered codified messages with custom images that worked as loss inscriptions.

To generate the visualizations, Humberto used Processing, P5JS, NodeJS, PM2, MongoDB, Mongoose, Heroku, Twitter API, COVID-19 API, and Linux.