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  1. The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker (2021)

    The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker (2021)

    On the World Theatre of the Oppressed Day on March 16, 2021, the Design & Oppression Network broadcasted a forum theater called The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker. The play proposes a debate about the relevance of foreign design thinking to Brazilian popular culture and its forms of expression. Following the remote forum theater method, […] - Mar 4, 2021
  2. Embodied Value-nets

    Embodied Value-nets

    New business generates value through a provisional network of relations, including strategic partners, suppliers, and clients. Young entrepreneurs take time to understand that starting up a company does not depend on themselves only. Value-net is a strategic framework created by Cinzia Parolini (1999) to understand and manage the network of relationships within a business ecosystem. […] - May 18, 2020
  3. Copel+ Platform (2018-2019)

    Copel+ Platform (2018-2019)

    Copel+ is an open innovation platform designed for a utility company in Brazil as part of a research project that focused on organizational learning. The company had just started the transition to smart grids and realized that it was necessary to nurture the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem to populate the grid. The platform sponsors believed that […] - Mar 24, 2020
  4. Apple Developer Academy PUCPR

    Apple Developer Academy PUCPR

    Since 2013, Apple has a partnership with several Brazilian Universities to offer an educational program to attract and train new software developers in their mobile application ecosystem. The program is called Apple Developer Academy and it includes everything a newcomer needs to develop a new app. The program is customized for each partnership to better […] - Mar 28, 2019
  5. Idea Market

    Idea Market

    Idea Market is a design game I developed for pitching and developing ideas while looking for partners in entrepreneurship programs. Participants start alone with their idea and progress by selling it to someone who is willing to give up his or her own idea. It is a very competitive game since nobody wants to give […] - Nov 1, 2018
  6. PIBEP Entrepreneurial scholarship program

    PIBEP Entrepreneurial scholarship program

    PIBEP is an innovative scholarship program offered by PUCPR. Students receive money and mentoring to develop their own business ideas. I codesigned the program with Business School professors, taught a design thinking workshop and mentored design-led startups. The program is intensive and fun. Students must work in multidisciplinary teams and test their ideas as soon as possible […] - Sep 13, 2016
  7. HIPUC Health innovation program

    HIPUC Health innovation program

    HIPUC is PUCPR’s program to nurture an international ecosystem of health startups and innovators in Curitiba. The program was developed in partnership with Stanford University, Johnson & Johnson, Philips and others. I was responsible for organizing the Design Shop, an immersive training at Marcelino Champagnat hospital. The students studied the hospital activities and created innovative services inside the […] - Jun 13, 2016