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open design

  1. Designing for liberation

    Designing for liberation

    Design is often defined as a professional activity that produces physical and symbolic artifacts. However, in contemporary common parlance, the design word is also used to describe the characteristics of this professional activity’s products. Despite professionals claiming responsibility for these qualities, there is ample evidence that such qualities are not defined solely by professionals. Instead, […] - Oct 31, 2018
  2. Design livre at Corais Platform: an experience in cultivating a design commons with free software

    Design livre at Corais Platform: an experience in cultivating a design commons with free software

    Van Amstel, Frederick;  Gonzatto, Rodrigo Freese; Jatobá, Pedro Henrique. (2020) Design livre at Corais Platform: an experience in cultivating a design commons with free software. Workshop Designing commons – Commons for design (position paper), DRS 2014 conference, Umeä, Sweden. - Apr 21, 2014
  3. Open Design and weapons of mass destruction

    Open Design and weapons of mass destruction

    Yesterday I went to the Open Design Now book launch in Amsterdam. People were so excited with the possibilities of openness, that few mentioned potential drawbacks of it. The only potential drawback discussed there was about the possibilities of not making money from it. It’s true that Open Design doesn’t have clear business models right […] - Jun 9, 2011