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Solidarity economy

  1. Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    de Siqueira, I. L. M., & van Amstel, F. M. (2023). Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers. In Proceedings of the Service Design and Innovation Conference (ServDes 2023), Rio de Janeiro. pp. 315-325. - Jul 18, 2023
  2. Shared Management Handbook (2021)

    Shared Management Handbook (2021)

    Shared Management Handbook is the final work of Luciane Hulyk to obtain her Graphic Design degree at UTFPR. The book was collaboratively written and participatory designed with the Mandala Network, a collective of local artisans who wanted to share their experience with self-management and solidarity economy. The book reads like a manual for those who […] - Jan 8, 2022
  3. Redesigning money as a tool for self-management in cultural production

    Redesigning money as a tool for self-management in cultural production

    Gonzatto, R.F., van Amstel, F.,and Jatobá, P.H. (2021) Redesigning money as a tool for self-management in cultural production, in Leitão, R.M., Men, I., Noel, L-A., Lima, J., Meninato, T. (eds.), Pivot 2021: Dismantling/Reassembling, 22-23 July, Toronto, Canada. - Jul 27, 2021
  4. Designing for Liberation in Solidarity Economy Circuits

    Designing for Liberation in Solidarity Economy Circuits

    Solidarity economy is an approach for developing fair community exchanges and human development within capitalist societies, working as a semi-detached alternative economic circuit based on the principles of self-management. This talk summarizes the experience of the speaker in designing a self-management platform for solidarity economy circuits in Brazil, guided by the Latin-American ideal of liberation […] - Apr 15, 2021
  5. Solidarity Economy Incubator

    Solidarity Economy Incubator

    TECSOL is UTFPR’s Solidarity Economy Incubator. This outreach project assists disenfranchised communities to organize solidarity work relations, fair trade markets, and public policy advocacy for Solidarity Economy. Solidarity Economy is understood as an alternative mode of production which can work within Capitalism to overcome its limitations, such as poverty and dehumanization. I helped the incubator […] - Jul 8, 2019