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Transition Design

  1. Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities

    Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities

    Botter, F., van Amstel, F. M. C., Mazzarotto Filho, M., and Guimarães, C. (2024) Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities, in Gray, C., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. - Jun 17, 2024
  2. Prospective Design: a research agenda for design interventions in sociotechnical systems

    Prospective Design: a research agenda for design interventions in sociotechnical systems

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C.; Botter, Fernanda; Guimarães, Cayley. Design Prospectivo: uma agenda de pesquisa para intervenção projetual em sistemas sociotécnicos. Estudos em Design, 30 (2), 2022. DOI: - Aug 30, 2022
  3. Latin American Service Design

    Latin American Service Design

    This is not a presentation about the best Service Design projects in Latin America. It is more like an attempt to rethink Service Design from a Latin American perspective, bringing to the fore the contradictions that are behind design problems and that are usually overlooked. In this guest talk, part of CIID‘s Service Design class […] - Sep 28, 2020
  4. Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition

    Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition

    Eleutério, Rafaella P. and Van Amstel, Frederick M.C. Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition. (2020). In: Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference. Manizales, Colombia. DOI: - Jun 13, 2020
  5. Prospective Design graduate program

    Prospective Design graduate program

    Prospective Design is a new Master’s program of UTFPR, currently under evaluation by the national higher-education agency of Brazil. I helped to develop its curriculum and research structure. The program is focused on designing transition technologies for sociotechnical systems that urgently need to prioritize relational qualities, such as sustainability, resilience, equality, solidarity, or conviviality. Historically, […] - Apr 8, 2020
  6. Participatory Design in Transition Projects from the Global South

    Participatory Design in Transition Projects from the Global South

    Multiple versions of Participatory Design emerged in different contexts and disciplines. Despite taking advantage of knowledge generated by the Global South, such as Participatory Action Research, Participatory Design is mainly practiced based on Northern theories, such as critical theory, post-structuralism, and phenomenology. Despite their contributions to building a democratic approach to design, these theories did […] - Mar 25, 2020
  7. Copel+ Platform (2018-2019)

    Copel+ Platform (2018-2019)

    Copel+ is an open innovation platform designed for a utility company in Brazil as part of a research project that focused on organizational learning. The company had just started the transition to smart grids and realized that it was necessary to nurture the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem to populate the grid. The platform sponsors believed that […] - Mar 24, 2020
  8. Sustainable design

    Sustainable design

    Sustainable design (Design Theory 4) is a regular 30-hour course from the Design bachelor at UTFPR. My approach for this class was to avoid discussing sustainability as a technical issue and rather to deal with the political challenges of sustainability, the crisis of modernity, and the Anthropocene, in a similar way it was done in […] - Jun 11, 2019