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design of the oppressed

  1. Taking a side: critical formation and outreaching practice in Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Taking a side: critical formation and outreaching practice in Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Bizotto dos Santos, W., Mazzarotto, M., & Van Amstel, F. (2024). Tomando um LADO: formação crítica e prática de liberdade no Laboratório de Design contra Opressões. Arcos Design, 17(1), 143–175. - Jan 10, 2024
  2. Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    de Siqueira, I. L. M., & van Amstel, F. M. (2023). Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers. In Proceedings of the Service Design and Innovation Conference (ServDes 2023), Rio de Janeiro. pp. 315-325. - Jul 18, 2023
  3. The coloniality of making and its resistance in Brazil

    The coloniality of making and its resistance in Brazil

    Summary: The coloniality of making refers to international relations of production that overvalue intellectual labor in developed countries and undervalue manual labor in underdeveloped countries. Design discipline plays a crucial role in maintaining the coloniality of making, establishing hierarchies between modes of designing existence in the world. The colonized populations’ ways of designing are considered […] - Dec 3, 2022
  4. Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    Van Amstel, F. M. C, Noel, L.-A., & Gonzatto, R. F. (2022). Design, Oppression, and Liberation. Diseña, (21), Intro. - Sep 13, 2022
  5. Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    The Laboratory of Design Against Oppressions (LADO) is an open, horizontal space for critical education, scientific research, and transformative action at UTFPR. Attentive to the objectives of student involvement and participation in university outreach, LADO is organized through self-management, including collective decision-making and distribution of power among the several working groups created to coordinate each of […] - Aug 11, 2022
  6. Design and Theater of the Oppressed

    Design and Theater of the Oppressed

    Summary: What does theater have to do with design? Theater of the Oppressed can provide great insights into recognizing and expanding the Designs of the Oppressed. Created by Augusto Boal in the 1970s, this form of theater became one of the most popular approaches for non-professional actors interested in doing politics through theater. The approach […] - Nov 3, 2021
  7. Whither Designs of the Oppressed?

    Whither Designs of the Oppressed?

    Abstract: Designs of the Oppressed builds upon the work of Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal, and Álvaro Vieira Pinto. These authors devised a critical view of being in the world as an existential project that can be oppressed or liberating. The oppressed project depends on exogenous existential projects like colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism that do not […] - Oct 23, 2021
  8. Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed was a free online course offered by UTFPR, in partnership with the Design & Oppression network in 2021 and 2022, as part of larger efforts to strengthen Brazilian universities’ international reach. In it, several members of the network presented their work and promoted dialogues. The course shares the accumulated experience of […] - Aug 26, 2021