Guimarães, C., & Van Amstel, F. M. C. (2024). Prospectando qualidades relacionais na educação em Design através da quilt-terapia. Arcos Design, 17(1), 190–211.

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic deeply altered the well-being and mental health of humanity. People were forced to isolate, stay at home, to interactions mediated by virtual environments. The return to in-person classes was trau-matic, full of uncertainties and fears compound with stress, anxiety, decline of well-being and, most importantly, negation of Being. This study explores the relational aesthetics of quilt-therapy as a means for reconstruction of the being among Design students. The making of a quilt of pieces that reflect the experience of surviving the pandemic reveal qualities that are historically ne-glected in Design Education, such as empathy, trust and care.