Poderi, G., Marttila, S. M., Saad-Sulonen, J., Van Amstel, F. M., Teli, M., Tonolli, L., D’Andrea, V. & Botero, A. (2022, August). Relationality, commoning, and designing. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022-Volume 2 (pp. 255-258). https://doi.org/10.1145/3537797.3537879

Abstract: This workshop explores and reflects upon both how relational ontologies can support design processes that target commons and commoning as outcomes, and how commons and commoning can work as speculative lenses for the understanding of relationality in Participatory Design. Here, we invite the PD community to engage with questions such as: how do we embrace and rely upon relationality when designing collectively and in a participatory manner within more-than-human ensembles? How do we become commoners and what do we nurture in common? What do we lose and what do we gain by considering commons with a keen eye on relationality? Which kind of relational qualities are essential for commoning design and designing commons? In short, “Relationality, commoning, and designing” aims to be a venue for critically supporting alternative and more sustainable futures for all (not only humans) by means of participatory designing and commoning.
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- The workshop’s outcome includes an update to the Pluriversal Slide Deck and an episode of the Commoning Design & Designing Commons podcast.
- During the remote workshop sessions, we listened to some Brazilian songs about collective bodies (see the playlist below), and we tried to visually assemble the collective design body of P.D. Commoners (the pseudonym used by the workshop organizers) out of individual body drawings. The resulting image may be another example of the emerging monster aesthetics.