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coloniality of making

  1. What is Decolonizing Design?

    What is Decolonizing Design?

    Abstract: Decolonizing design confronts the deep-rooted structures of colonialism that still shape international aesthetics, production, and trade relationships. The coloniality of making divides “thinking” in developed nations and “making” in underdeveloped ones, generating a nostalgic feeling for colonial styles thought and made for others. By fostering autonomous development and critical consciousness, decolonizing design encourages innovative […] - Feb 16, 2025
  2. Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities

    Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities

    Botter, F., van Amstel, F. M. C., Mazzarotto Filho, M., and Guimarães, C. (2024) Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities, in Gray, C., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. - Jun 17, 2024
  3. Anticolonial prospects for overcoming the coloniality of making in design

    Anticolonial prospects for overcoming the coloniality of making in design

    Saito, C., Freese Gonzatto, R., and van Amstel, F. (2024) Anticolonial prospects for overcoming the coloniality of making in design, in Gray, C., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA. - Jun 17, 2024
  4. Decolonizing Design Futures

    Decolonizing Design Futures

    Abstract: The never-fulfilling promise of a bright future has justified modern colonization for centuries. Modern design follows suit. Modern design has been exported to former colonies as a neutral, non-political way of making. The futures that came with them have contribute to maintain the coloniality of making, nurturing a sense of nostalgia and a conservative […] - Feb 28, 2024
  5. Decolonizing design research

    Decolonizing design research

    Van Amstel, F. M. C. (2023). Decolonizing design research. In: Rodgers, Paul A. and Yee, Joyce (Eds). The Routledge Companion to Design Research (pp. 64-74). Routledge. - Jun 25, 2023
  6. El hacer como quehacer: notas para un diseño libre

    El hacer como quehacer: notas para un diseño libre

    En América Latina, la colonialidad del hacer nos impide valorar lo que ya hemos hecho y, a partir de ahí, hacer lo que hay que hacer. A menudo preferimos importar el diseño europeo en lugar de construir sobre gambiarras y otras formas populares de diseño. En Brasil, sin embargo, la resistencia a la colonialidad del […] - Apr 21, 2023
  7. The coloniality of making and its resistance in Brazil

    The coloniality of making and its resistance in Brazil

    Summary: The coloniality of making refers to international relations of production that overvalue intellectual labor in developed countries and undervalue manual labor in underdeveloped countries. Design discipline plays a crucial role in maintaining the coloniality of making, establishing hierarchies between modes of designing existence in the world. The colonized populations’ ways of designing are considered […] - Dec 3, 2022
  8. Diseño y la colonialidad del hacer

    Diseño y la colonialidad del hacer

    Keynote addressed at the 13th International Conferences on Design History and Studies, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, October 2022. Resumen: La colonialidad del hacer se refiere a las relaciones internacionales de producción que sobrevaloran el trabajo intelectual en los países desarrollados y subvaloran el trabajo manual en los países subdesarrollados. Al garantizar esta desigualdad […] - Oct 23, 2022
  9. Decolonizing whatever-centered design

    Decolonizing whatever-centered design

    Centralization is a spatial practice used by human collectives for thousands of years. It started in the archaic definition of village leaders and evolved to world empires, including their corollary transnational companies. Centralization promises to better organize society through the gathering of resources and information generated in a vast territory in a small space: the […] - Jan 19, 2021