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When black people move, all the possibilities of future move with them

Silva, R. L. P. da, Santos, M. R. dos, & Amstel, F. V. (2020). Quando o negro se movimenta, toda a possibilidade de futuro com ele se move (When the black’s people moves, all possibility of future with him moves). Albuquerque: Journal of History11(21), 132-150.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to identify how the Brazilian black movement appropriates Afrofuturist language as a strategy of resistance to racism. The analysis is based on a literature review on the studies of identity representation (Stuart Hall), Black Movement (Nilma Lino Gomes) and Afrofuturism (Ytasha Womack). This study shows how design techniques inserted in aesthetic and artistic productions become crucial tools for the construction of images and social emancipation that work as alternatives to the negative representations typically found in contemporary culture.

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