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  1. Tips and tricks for writing design research

    Tips and tricks for writing design research

    Why are design researchers not so excited about reading and writing if that is an integral aspect of doing design research? In my view, designers are typically exploited in so miany ways, primarily for cheap labor. They are not expected to say anything, just give form to previously defined functions and content. In a critical […] - Sep 23, 2024
  2. Designing for Liberation experimental research program

    Designing for Liberation experimental research program

    Abstract: Designing for Liberation is a design research program investigating the possibility of designing for the liberation of historically oppressed people. Instead of designing for privilege like modern design typically has done, we seek designing for rights. Everyone has the right to have good designs, even if that design is a self-built Favela. This lecture […] - Sep 17, 2024
  3. Existential crises in doctoral design research

    Existential crises in doctoral design research

    Every doctoral design researcher must go through the existential crisis of not knowing for a while if that daunting research actually makes any difference in the world. After going through that and reflecting on my trajectory, I concluded that this crisis, and many others that doctoral design researchers face, is not personal or individual. These […] - Jun 21, 2024
  4. Cultural alienation in design

    Cultural alienation in design

    Some months ago, I joined Lee Moreau, Lesley-Ann Noel, and Alicia Cheng in the inaugural episodes of the Design As podcast (Apple/Spotify), connected to the Design Observer project. We discussed Design as Culture. The conversation was so rich and dense that we split it into two parts. Luckily, Design Observer published a transcript for those […] - Jun 1, 2024
  5. Learning design as a human right: the beginnings of a design lab founded on critical pedagogy

    Learning design as a human right: the beginnings of a design lab founded on critical pedagogy

    Bizotto dos Santos, W.B., Mazzarotto, M.,and Van Amstel, F.(2023) Learning design as a human right: the beginnings of a design lab founded on critical pedagogy, in Derek Jones, Naz Borekci, Violeta Clemente, James Corazzo, Nicole Lotz, Liv Merete Nielsen, Lesley-Ann Noel (eds.), The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 29 November – 1 December 2023, […] - Mar 18, 2024
  6. Conscious design for a women shelter (2023)

    Conscious design for a women shelter (2023)

    Camila Kutiski heard from a friend about a shelter service for victims of domestic violence in her neighborhood. She visited the non-profit running the service and decided to support the people involved with her Graphic Design final work at UTFPR. The first thing she did was to understand the existing design activities in the non-profit. […] - Feb 24, 2024
  7. Taking a side: critical formation and outreaching practice in Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Taking a side: critical formation and outreaching practice in Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Bizotto dos Santos, W., Mazzarotto, M., & Van Amstel, F. (2024). Tomando um LADO: formação crítica e prática de liberdade no Laboratório de Design contra Opressões. Arcos Design, 17(1), 143–175. - Jan 10, 2024
  8. Prospecting anti-colonial qualities in Design Education

    Prospecting anti-colonial qualities in Design Education

    Mazzarotto. M., Van Amstel. F. M. C., Serpa, B. O., Silva, S. B. (2023). Prospecting anti-colonial qualities in Design Education. V!RUS Journal, 26, 135-143. Translated from Portuguese by Giovana Blitzkow Scucato dos Santos. Available at: - Dec 26, 2023
  9. Cascading oppression in design

    Cascading oppression in design

    Abstract: Oppression is not an isolated phenomenon that involves two persons: the oppressor and the oppressed. Oppression is a systemic contradiction that affects many persons, spreading through cascading effects and twisted positionalities. One oppression relation can affect another, generating the possibility for the same person to be both an oppressor and an oppressed in different […] - Sep 27, 2023
  10. Image Theater

    Image Theater

    Image theater is the most popular and accessible Theater of the Oppressed technique. It consists of telling an oppression story through a static body image. The spect-actors stand in postures that, altogether, suggest an oppressive action. There is no voice, explanation or movement in the image, although that can be added later for further inquiries […] - Sep 20, 2023
  11. Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond

    Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond

    Amy Ogan, Frederick van Amstel, Gabriela Molina León, Juan Fernando Maestre, Kristin Williams, Nicola J Bidwell, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, Saiph Savage, Sushil Oswal, and Vishal Sharma. 2023. Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond. XRDS 29, 3 (Spring 2023), 12–17. - Apr 13, 2023
  12. Design, Oppression, and Liberation 2

    Design, Oppression, and Liberation 2

    Van Amstel, F. M. C., Gonzatto, R. F., & Noel, L.-A. (2023). Introduction to Diseña 22: Design, Oppression, and Liberation (2nd issue). Diseña, (22), Intro. - Feb 13, 2023
  13. Can designers change systemic oppression?

    Can designers change systemic oppression?

    This talk was part of the Royal College of Art Symposium on Design and Systemic Change, organized by Product Design students. Abstract: Oppression is systemic as it is reproduced across social groups, generating complex patterns of domination. What can designers do to stop such reproduction? First, they need to acknowledge their role on the oppressor’s […] - Dec 12, 2022
  14. Humanity is not a (shopping) center you can design for

    Humanity is not a (shopping) center you can design for

    Donald Norman is about to release a book on Humanity-Centered Design. I don’t plan to buy or read it, but I can’t ignore it. As I previously wrote, shifting what is at the center of design does little to reconfigure the contradictions cultivated by centralization, which is a core spatial practice of patriarchy, capitalism, and […] - Oct 23, 2022
  15. Diseño y la colonialidad del hacer

    Diseño y la colonialidad del hacer

    Keynote addressed at the 13th International Conferences on Design History and Studies, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, October 2022. Resumen: La colonialidad del hacer se refiere a las relaciones internacionales de producción que sobrevaloran el trabajo intelectual en los países desarrollados y subvaloran el trabajo manual en los países subdesarrollados. Al garantizar esta desigualdad […] - Oct 23, 2022
  16. Ethics and aesthetics of the experience designed for the Other

    Ethics and aesthetics of the experience designed for the Other

    Keynote addressed in the A & D Visitors Series, School of Art & Design, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, October 2022. This is a provocative talk on design ethics that might spark a debate with the audience. The presenter will show well-known design products and processes that promise to deliver unique experiences. His critique of these […] - Oct 9, 2022
  17. Breaking down oppressive citation patterns

    Breaking down oppressive citation patterns

    Citation patterns are not natural, neutral, emergent, or involuntary. They reveal the collective biases of a scientific community. Women, Black, Indigenous, disabled, part-time researchers, and people from the Global South receive fewer citations for their works unless the pattern is actively counteracted. There are a few of these authors in most scientific communities because they […] - Oct 8, 2022
  18. Systemic oppression and systemic design

    Systemic oppression and systemic design

    Abstract: Álvaro Vieira Pinto, Paulo Freire, and Augusto Boal developed a systemic perspective on oppression based on Frantz Fanon. This perspective frames oppression as a contradiction that builds tension between different social groups. Systemic design can reproduce this contradiction unconsciously or let the oppressed see and recognize their oppressor. This short commentary pushes for a […] - Oct 4, 2022
  19. Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    Van Amstel, F. M. C, Noel, L.-A., & Gonzatto, R. F. (2022). Design, Oppression, and Liberation. Diseña, (21), Intro. - Sep 13, 2022
  20. Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)

    The Laboratory of Design Against Oppressions (LADO) is an open, horizontal space for critical education, scientific research, and transformative action at UTFPR. Attentive to the objectives of student involvement and participation in university outreach, LADO is organized through self-management, including collective decision-making and distribution of power among the several working groups created to coordinate each of […] - Aug 11, 2022
  21. Weaving design as a practice of freedom: Critical pedagogy in an insurgent network

    Weaving design as a practice of freedom: Critical pedagogy in an insurgent network

    Serpa, B.O., van Amstel, F.M., Mazzarotto, M., Carvalho, R.A., Gonzatto, R.F., Batista e Silva, S., and da Silva Menezes, Y. (2022) Weaving design as a practice of freedom: Critical pedagogy in an insurgent network, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, […] - Jun 21, 2022
  22. Designers as cultural producers (2022)

    Designers as cultural producers (2022)

    Polyana de Andrade Tavares, a graphic design student at LADO, embarked on a profound journey of collective conscientization that transformed her understanding of her role as a cultural producer. Her final work reflects on this transformative process through an autoethnographic lens, weaving together personal experiences and broader socio-cultural contexts. Initially, Polyana approached her study with […] - Jun 1, 2022
  23. Diseño Ontológico Crítico y la Contradicción de la Opresión

    Diseño Ontológico Crítico y la Contradicción de la Opresión

    Ponencia a lo simposio de Arqueodiseño, X Reunión de Teoría Arqueológica de América del Sur TAAS Oaxaca 2022. Abstracto: Álvaro Vieira Pinto, Paulo Freire y Augusto Boal desarrollaron una teoría dialéctica de la existencia que permite comprender el papel de la opresión en el proyecto del ser. El oprimido no puede proyectarse a sí mismo […] - May 7, 2022
  24. Design pedagogy, the body, and solidarity in designing commons

    Design pedagogy, the body, and solidarity in designing commons

    Podcast interview for the Commoning Design & Designing Commons show, an initiative from the Interest Group Commons and Commoning of the IT University of Copenhagen. Listen to the podcast on Anchor. Transcript Speaker Key – GP Giacomo Poderi; FA Frederick van Amstel; SM Sanna-Maria Marttila; JS Joanna Saad-Sulonen Speaker Text GP Okay, welcome to this first […] - Apr 12, 2022
  25. Oppression reaction flowchart

    Oppression reaction flowchart

    Reaction to computer-mediated oppression can be rehearsed in a Theater of the Techno-Oppressed session. When using the image theater technique, it is possible to capture every attempt to react to oppression and compare their efficacy in still photos. In addition to the spect-actors who stage the play, two persons are required: a photographer and a […] - Mar 27, 2022
  26. User oppression in human-computer interaction: a dialectical-existential perspective

    User oppression in human-computer interaction: a dialectical-existential perspective

    Gonzatto, R.F. and Van Amstel, F.M.C. (2022), “User oppression in human-computer interaction: a dialectical-existential perspective”, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 74 No. 5, pp. 758-781. - Mar 13, 2022
  27. Wicked Problems, Wicked Designs (2021)

    Wicked Problems, Wicked Designs (2021)

    Wicked problems, Wicked designs is a remote forum theater held during the Attending [To] Futures conference in 2021 organized by the KISD School. Forum Theater is a technique developed by Augusto Boal to make structural oppression visible through acting while also rehearsing liberation from oppression. This play aimed at exposing and discussing the sexist, colonialist, […] - Nov 22, 2021
  28. Design as a Practice of Freedom in Self-Managed Organizations

    Design as a Practice of Freedom in Self-Managed Organizations

    Design as a practice of freedom is an approach that considers that all people project themselves into the world seeking to increase their freedom of action. As a pedagogy, it is a proposal to raise awareness of the world as a result of intentional human projects, which can be questioned and transformed. As a technique, […] - Nov 18, 2021
  29. CFP Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    CFP Design, Oppression, and Liberation

    Special issue of Diseña #21 Guest editors: Frederick van Amstel | Federal University of Technology – Paraná Lesley-Ann Noel | North Carolina State University Rodrigo Gonzatto | Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  March 30 April 6, 2022 (extended deadline) Expected publication date: August 2022 Design research and practice are responsible for articulating and materializing structural oppression […] - Nov 15, 2021
  30. Design and Theater of the Oppressed

    Design and Theater of the Oppressed

    Summary: What does theater have to do with design? Theater of the Oppressed can provide great insights into recognizing and expanding the Designs of the Oppressed. Created by Augusto Boal in the 1970s, this form of theater became one of the most popular approaches for non-professional actors interested in doing politics through theater. The approach […] - Nov 3, 2021
  31. Technology-Mediated Oppression

    Technology-Mediated Oppression

    Summary: Can technology oppress or liberate people? This lecture introduces the Philosophy of Technology of Álvaro Vieira Pinto in dealing with this question. Vieira Pinto wrote extensively about cybernetics, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and virtual reality’s role in mediating race, class, and colonial oppression, anticipating in the 1970s what STS scholars in other countries did in […] - Nov 3, 2021
  32. Designing against oppression

    Designing against oppression

    This talk presents the activity of the Design & Oppression, woven by design professors, students, and professionals from all over Brazil from the perspective of one of its cofounders. The network discussed and experimented with several ways of recognizing how design reproduces oppression in our society. As of late 2021, the network is interested in […] - Oct 29, 2021
  33. Investigar-crear para la liberación

    Investigar-crear para la liberación

    Esta charla és una reflexión acerca de mi condición existencial de investigador del diseño en un país subdesarrollado que no prioriza la ciencia para su desarrollo. En la condición de subdesarrollo, el investigador debe identificarse con la gente y con la gente crear proyectos de investigación libertadores. Así, se puede detener a los problemas locales […] - Oct 28, 2021
  34. Whither Designs of the Oppressed?

    Whither Designs of the Oppressed?

    Abstract: Designs of the Oppressed builds upon the work of Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal, and Álvaro Vieira Pinto. These authors devised a critical view of being in the world as an existential project that can be oppressed or liberating. The oppressed project depends on exogenous existential projects like colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism that do not […] - Oct 23, 2021
  35. Against Userism

    Against Userism

    This talk was submitted to Interaction21 and was not accepted by the selection committee. UPDATE 1: I am trying again to Interaction22. If you would like to back me up, please nominate me. UPDATE 2: It did not go through, so I gave up. Background: Designers like to picture themselves as heroes who can save […] - Oct 18, 2021
  36. Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (2021)

    Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (2021)

    Instead of delivering an invited talk in the UTFPR’s Informatics student week of 2021, Rodrigo Fresse Gonzatto, Claudia Bordin Rodrigues, and Frederick van Amstel performed an invisible theater on artificial intelligence in higher education. In this kind of performance, actors stage the play without telling the audience that they are acting. They pretend to be […] - Oct 4, 2021
  37. Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed

    Designs of the Oppressed was a free online course offered by UTFPR, in partnership with the Design & Oppression network in 2021 and 2022, as part of larger efforts to strengthen Brazilian universities’ international reach. In it, several members of the network presented their work and promoted dialogues. The course shares the accumulated experience of […] - Aug 26, 2021
  38. Insurgent design coalitions: the history of the Design & Oppression network

    Insurgent design coalitions: the history of the Design & Oppression network

    Van Amstel, F., Sâmia, B., Serpa, B.O., Marco, M., Carvalho, R.A.,and Gonzatto, R.F.(2021) Insurgent Design Coalitions: The history of the Design & Oppression network, in Leitão, R.M., Men, I., Noel, L-A., Lima, J., Meninato, T. (eds.), Pivot 2021: Dismantling/Reassembling, 22-23 July, Toronto, Canada. - Jul 28, 2021
  39. Domesticated futures and monster aesthetics

    Domesticated futures and monster aesthetics

    So far, design has contributed mostly to domesticate futures for the colonized. Nevertheless, design can also serve decolonizing practices that bring back the contradictory nature of human futures. The domestication of the future is a colonialist strategy that reduces existential time to a desirable space of possibilities that can be designed, packaged, and sold to […] - May 18, 2021
  40. Feral Creative Practices

    Feral Creative Practices

    This panel conversation was recorded at Uroboros 2021 Festival. It explores the possibility of returning to the wild, or bringing the wild back to human creative practices. Frederick contributed with comments on using this concept to decolonize design and art from domesticated attitudes, based on body discrimination and hierarchies. At 31:30, he performs a cat […] - May 17, 2021
  41. Designing for Liberation in Solidarity Economy Circuits

    Designing for Liberation in Solidarity Economy Circuits

    Solidarity economy is an approach for developing fair community exchanges and human development within capitalist societies, working as a semi-detached alternative economic circuit based on the principles of self-management. This talk summarizes the experience of the speaker in designing a self-management platform for solidarity economy circuits in Brazil, guided by the Latin-American ideal of liberation […] - Apr 15, 2021
  42. Designing for Liberation

    Designing for Liberation

    As institutions or individuals, design bodies have been weaponized for war, colonization, racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of oppression. This talk reports on the Designing for Liberation research program that, since 2010, engages diverse design bodies with the fight against all forms of oppression. This program unleashes designing potentials that have been prevented or […] - Apr 8, 2021
  43. Design & Oppression network

    Design & Oppression network

    Design & Oppression is a network of students and professors fighting all kinds of oppression in and through design. The network includes an online weekly reading group, a series of Youtube videos, and an orchestrated participation in design events and conferences. The network is weaved by an expanding group of volunteer complicators spread across Brazil. The history […] - Dec 28, 2020
  44. A Visual Summary of Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970)

    A Visual Summary of Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970)

    This is a book summary for the Pluriversal Design Book Club. It is a short contextualized introduction to Paulo Freire’s magnum opus. The main feature of this introduction is a visual scheme to frame the historical-dialectical relationships developed throughout the book: oppression, banking education, and colonization. This scheme also considers the emergence of third forces […] - Oct 30, 2020
  45. Latin American Service Design

    Latin American Service Design

    This is not a presentation about the best Service Design projects in Latin America. It is more like an attempt to rethink Service Design from a Latin American perspective, bringing to the fore the contradictions that are behind design problems and that are usually overlooked. In this guest talk, part of CIID‘s Service Design class […] - Sep 28, 2020
  46. The Anthropophagic Studio:  Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design

    The Anthropophagic Studio: Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C and Gonzatto, Rodrigo Freese. (2020) The Anthropophagic Studio: Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design. Digital Creativity, 31(4), p. 259-283. DOI: - Jul 25, 2020
  47. When black people move, all the possibilities of future move with them

    When black people move, all the possibilities of future move with them

    Silva, R. L. P. da, Santos, M. R. dos, & Amstel, F. V. (2020). Quando o negro se movimenta, toda a possibilidade de futuro com ele se move (When the black’s people moves, all possibility of future with him moves). Albuquerque: Journal of History, 11(21), 132-150. - Apr 15, 2020
  48. Interaction Design Theater

    Interaction Design Theater

    Interaction design, like theater, depends on the performances of human actors to realize its aesthetic expression. Interaction designers create software code much like theater scripts, while users often ignore them and improvise. Drawing from the analogy of Computer as Theater proposed by Brenda Laurel and the Theater of the Oppressed developed by Augusto Boal, this […] - Oct 31, 2018
  49. Time Crisis (2017)

    Time Crisis (2017)

    Time Crisis (2017) is a speculative design mockumentary that provides a different explanation for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in 2016. After the next elections in 2018, several public actors acknowledged that President Rousseff was removed from office without sound evidence, which fueled the thesis of a parliamentary white coup. The mockumentary tells a different […] - Nov 2, 2017
  50. Designing oppressive and libertarian interactions with the conscious body

    Designing oppressive and libertarian interactions with the conscious body

    Gonzatto, R. F., & van Amstel, F. M. (2017, October). Designing oppressive and libertarian interactions with the conscious body. In Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 22, 10 pages. DOI: - Oct 31, 2017
  51. Depression and I (2016)

    Depression and I (2016)

    This is a short animation movie produced by Marcos Balbinot for his final work in Digital Design to express his experience of going through depression. The movie conveys the prejudices people face with this mental condition in an attempt to reduce it. The movie has attracted more than 80.000 viewers and hundreds of comments on […] - Mar 31, 2016