Conscious Periphery is an emergency outreach activity funded by UTFPR to fight misinformation about the COVID-19 in vulnerable communities around the university. To reach this aim, the students involved in the activity will collaborate with community leaders to find the right tune as well as with healthcare professionals to deliver the correct information. The messages represent the contradictions that emerged from the COVID-19 crisis, aiming at a multisided approach to practical problems.
While engaging with the community, we performed a controversial design space mapping to identify the contradictions pushing for change in the COVID-19 crisis. With this map at hand, we could choose the design space area with the strongest catalytic potential.

The map was used by Curitiba city council member Maria Leticia as a means to choose her policy design space focus. Her team designed their own controversial design space map to make sense of their legislative efforts to mitigate the pandemics impact on Curitiba city.

Most of our design interventions focused on the contradiction between threat invisibility and biological impact. To address that, we developed short ads, animations, videos, and jingles that inform these communities using their own language.

Fact sheet
- April – October 2020
- R$ 8.000 grant from UTFPR fund
- 3 undergraduate student scholarships
- Social media profiles: Instragam, Facebook, Youtube
Vale, G. F., da Silva, C. C. Z., Cabral, M. K. J., Moniz, M. C., da Silva, C. B. R., & van Amstel, F. (2020). Perifa consciente: comunicação popular em comunidades vulneráveis de Curitiba. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 16(44), 111-117. 10.3895/rts.v16n44.12350