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design livre

  1. Conscious design for a women shelter (2023)

    Conscious design for a women shelter (2023)

    Camila Kutiski heard from a friend about a shelter service for victims of domestic violence in her neighborhood. She visited the non-profit running the service and decided to support the people involved with her Graphic Design final work at UTFPR. The first thing she did was to understand the existing design activities in the non-profit. […] - Feb 24, 2024
  2. Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers

    de Siqueira, I. L. M., & van Amstel, F. M. (2023). Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers. In Proceedings of the Service Design and Innovation Conference (ServDes 2023), Rio de Janeiro. pp. 315-325. - Jul 18, 2023
  3. El hacer como quehacer: notas para un diseño libre

    El hacer como quehacer: notas para un diseño libre

    En América Latina, la colonialidad del hacer nos impide valorar lo que ya hemos hecho y, a partir de ahí, hacer lo que hay que hacer. A menudo preferimos importar el diseño europeo en lugar de construir sobre gambiarras y otras formas populares de diseño. En Brasil, sin embargo, la resistencia a la colonialidad del […] - Apr 21, 2023
  4. SURU'BA (2022)

    SURU’BA (2022)

    SURU’BA (“good thing” in Tupi and “orgy” in Portuguese) is the final work of João Conrado Dembiski and João Victor Tarran in their Bachelor in Design at UTFPR. Inspired by anarchist and decolonial thinking, the duo designed a modular open-source furniture system that could be cheaply produced in Curitiba, the locality of their studies. Their […] - Jul 30, 2022
  5. Designing for Liberation

    Designing for Liberation

    As institutions or individuals, design bodies have been weaponized for war, colonization, racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of oppression. This talk reports on the Designing for Liberation research program that, since 2010, engages diverse design bodies with the fight against all forms of oppression. This program unleashes designing potentials that have been prevented or […] - Apr 8, 2021
  6. Conscious Periphery COVID-19 communication (2020)

    Conscious Periphery COVID-19 communication (2020)

    Conscious Periphery is an emergency outreach activity funded by UTFPR to fight misinformation about the COVID-19 in vulnerable communities around the university. To reach this aim, the students involved in the activity will collaborate with community leaders to find the right tune as well as with healthcare professionals to deliver the correct information. The messages […] - Apr 9, 2020
  7. Seeking freedom in design

    Seeking freedom in design

    Open Design was initially introduced as an analog to Open Source Software, a concept which explains why software source code should be part of an official product release. The analogy went by stating that electronic drawings and models be released together with physical products, in the hopes of enabling modifications or self-production through digital fabrication. […] - Apr 6, 2020
  8. Design Livre: designing locally, cannibalizing globally

    Design Livre: designing locally, cannibalizing globally

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C., and Rodrigo Freese Gonzatto. (2016) “Design Livre: designing locally, cannibalizing globally.” XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 22(4), p.46-50. - Jun 28, 2016
  9. Coralizando book (2014)

    Coralizando book (2014)

    Coralizando is a collaboration guide for the creative economy. This book was written as a companion to Corais, an online platform for collaborative project management. The users of the platform suggested writing the book after the success of the Design Livre book, to feed new platform users with the concepts for organizing grassroots projects. The text […] - Sep 13, 2014
  10. Design Livre: Cannibalistic Interaction Design

    Design Livre: Cannibalistic Interaction Design

    Van Amstel, Frederick M.C.; Vassão, Caio A.; Ferraz, Gonçalo B. 2012. Design Livre: Cannibalistic Interaction Design. In: Innovation in Design Education: Proceedings of the Third International Forum of Design as a Process, Turin, Italy. - Apr 9, 2012
  11. Design Livre book (2012)

    Design Livre book (2012)

    A book written by 12 people in one week using open source collaborative tools. The book’s aim is to introduce the Free Software philosophy in the Design community. I participated in helping to organize the process and designed some parts of it, like the book layout and its cover. The book is distributed as a […] - Feb 11, 2012