Codesign of an interactive installation for the 2nd International Innovative Cities Conference, held in Curitiba, Brazil. The main conference’s theme was about the responsibility of individual’s action on the macro scale, bringing speakers like Fritjof Capra, Steven Johnson, and Jaime Lerner to discuss new frontiers of urban innovation.

The main hall of the conference had an interactive wall with a game-like city completely empty. As participants entered the talk rooms, the city changed according to the room’s theme, reflecting the concentration of collective intelligence. At the end of the conference, the most developed aspect of the city was governance transparency, represented by glass walls on public buildings.
The project was developed by FIEP, Faber-Ludens Institute, and 4Gennius. My role on the team was to synthesize the discussion’s intangible outputs, like the following sketch.

The concept was a simulation of a city built from the behavior of the conference participants. The network below documents the possibilities considered to arrive at this concept numbered in chronological order.

The implementation of the project showed that the possibilities considered were not that simple. There were technological barriers, time constraints, and legal problems. Some of the possibilities considered, therefore, were no longer possibilities. The project was implemented as simply as possible, focusing on the concept of building a city from the behavior of the conference participants.