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design thinking

  1. Expansive Visual Thinking

    Expansive Visual Thinking

    Abstract: This lecture explores the expansive power of visual thinking as a tool for design research, problem-solving, and knowledge creation. Moving beyond common sense definitions of visual thinking, it focuses on how images try to capture partially known contradictions in codesign, moving the design process forward into changing reality. Lecture recorded in the Fall 2024 […] - Sep 6, 2024
  2. Wicked rituals of contemporary design thinking

    Wicked rituals of contemporary design thinking

    Saito, Carmem; Van Amstel, Frederick M. C.; Serpa, Bibiana O; Angelon, Rafaela. Wicked rituals of contemporary design thinking. (2023). In: Mehl, Johanna and Höfler, Carolin (Eds). Attending [to] Futures. Matters of Politics in Design Education, Research, Practice. Hamburg: Adocs. p. 150-161. - Dec 11, 2023
  3. Coming to terms with design wickedness: Reflections from a forum theatre on design thinking

    Coming to terms with design wickedness: Reflections from a forum theatre on design thinking

    Saito, C., Serpa, B.O., Angelon, R., and van Amstel, F. (2022) Coming to terms with design wickedness: Reflections from a forum theatre on design thinking, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. - Jun 21, 2022
  4. Wicked Problems, Wicked Designs (2021)

    Wicked Problems, Wicked Designs (2021)

    Wicked problems, Wicked designs is a remote forum theater held during the Attending [To] Futures conference in 2021 organized by the KISD School. Forum Theater is a technique developed by Augusto Boal to make structural oppression visible through acting while also rehearsing liberation from oppression. This play aimed at exposing and discussing the sexist, colonialist, […] - Nov 22, 2021
  5. The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker (2021)

    The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker (2021)

    On the World Theatre of the Oppressed Day on March 16, 2021, the Design & Oppression Network broadcasted a forum theater called The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker. The play proposes a debate about the relevance of foreign design thinking to Brazilian popular culture and its forms of expression. Following the remote forum theater method, […] - Mar 4, 2021
  6. Design and other types of thinking

    Design and other types of thinking

    Design and other types of thinking (2020) was a workshop offered in UTFPR teaching seminars. Design thinking is a contemporary approach to innovation, entrepreneurship, project development, and education that makes designers’ thinking accessible to professionals in other areas. While it has drawn attention to creative processes typical of design, this approach has overshadowed the thoughts […] - Apr 27, 2020
  7. Strategic Planning for Hotmilk (2017)

    Strategic Planning for Hotmilk (2017)

    Hotmilk is an innovation hub inside the Catholic University of Parana which connects the University to the industry. In 2017, a new director was appointed to PUC Agency (its former name) and one of his first acts was to organize a participatory strategic planning session. I facilitated the session and helped to compile the results into […] - Oct 31, 2018
  8. Renault Experience 2.0 (2016-2017)

    Renault Experience 2.0 (2016-2017)

    Renault Experience is a competition run by Renault car manufacturing company in partnership with Brazilian universities. Students form teams and develop new mobility services or products within an online platform. The platform guide students to developed their ideas using a design thinking framework I developed. The framework was developed using the UX Cards planning tool. The open innovation […] - Sep 13, 2016
  9. Design Thinking

    Design Thinking

    45 hours – Graphic Design – PUCPR. This is an elective course offered to students from any of the bachelors of Catholic University of Paraná. The purpose was to provide them the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary projects based on the design thinking approach. Syllabus: Typology of design thinking, wicked problems, co-creation, grassroots design, participatory design, design […] - Aug 7, 2016
  10. Design thinking applied to the final work

    Design thinking applied to the final work (2016) was a short talk given at PUCPR teaching seminar. The talk shares the experience of using design thinking for supporting Digital Design students in their final work. The approach was useful for finding themes according to user and audience needs and desires. Through organized collaboration between students, […] - Apr 27, 2016
  11. Smart Urban Mobility Lab (2016-2018)

    Smart Urban Mobility Lab (2016-2018)

    The Smart Urban Mobility Lab (SUM-LAB) is an initiative by two local universities – the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and the Federal University of Technology Paraná (UTFPR) – and the University of Twente with the support of the City of Curitiba. Researchers from the partners will work together in the SUM-LAB to formulate the […] - Apr 20, 2016
  12. Using Activity Theory to situate Design Thinking

    Using Activity Theory to situate Design Thinking

    During my last trip to Brazil, together with Andre Malheiro, I conducted a Design Thinking workshop at Rede Globo, the producer of the famous Brazilian soap operas. I’ve been experimenting using Activity Theory as a framework for Design Thinking in these kind of workshops for a while, but after this, I got an important insight: […] - Oct 31, 2011
  13. A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

    A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

    I presented a drafty paper at INSCOPE, a conference about Social Innovation. My goal was to get some feedback about the theoretical framework I’m working on to link creativity to organizational change. Instead of taking creativity as an eureka moment or as talent of an individual, I take it as a social process. According to […] - Oct 27, 2011
  14. Aesthetics in Design Thinking

    Aesthetics in Design Thinking

    Both Design Thinking business discourse and research relies heavily on the problem-solution dichotomy for explaining what design is. The emphasis is given to go beyond the common-sense notion of design as form shaping and open new spaces for design in science and business. The aesthetics of form shaping is not entirely rejected in this turn, but reduced to an aspect […] - May 13, 2011
  15. Designer’s role in a Free Design world

    Designer’s role in a Free Design world

    At the beginning of the year, I gave a talk with my friend Gonçalo Ferraz at a Design student conference about the future role of the professional designer. We envisioned a big leap in design practice, moving from designing products to designing processes. Going further than Service Design and Co-design approaches, we expect that people […] - May 2, 2011