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The usopia of pluriverse
What is Decolonizing Design?
Knowledge self-management in design research
Designing as a user
Systemic oppression in service design
The Self-Managed Studio
Design + Identity in Everyday Life
Decolonisation and Participatory Design
Transdisciplinarity is transgression or it is not
Culture circles
Fall 2024 (Design) Research and Practice
Democratic design experiments
Spring 2024 Graduate Seminar
Systemic userism in service design
Subverting generative AI by playing surrealist games
Visual diary
The life cycle of a design research object
Social Design at the Brink: Hopes and Fears
Designing for emergent performances
Tips and tricks for writing design research
Designing for Liberation experimental research program
Expansive Visual Thinking
Reading the world with Lego Serious Play
Community Design with Lego Serious Play
Existential crises in doctoral design research
Prospective design: A structuralist design aesthetic founded on relational qualities
Anticolonial prospects for overcoming the coloniality of making in design
Cultural alienation in design
Crisis Deck (2022-2023)
Decolonizing Service Design Ethics and Aesthetics
Why I became a transdisciplinary design researcher
Learning design as a human right: the beginnings of a design lab founded on critical pedagogy
When Is the Pluriverse?
Decolonizing Design Futures
Conscious design for a women shelter (2023)
The Materials of Service Design: Human bodies
Taking a side: critical formation and outreaching practice in Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)
Prospecting relational qualities in Design Education through quilt therapy
Prospecting anti-colonial qualities in Design Education
Dancing Algorhythms in the Theater of the Techno-Oppressed
Wicked rituals of contemporary design thinking
Designing between the possible and the impossible
The Struggle for Human Rights in Design
Cascading oppression in design
Image Theater
Pluriversal Futures for Design Education
Service design as a practice of freedom in collaborative cultural producers
Rios Metadesign (2023)
Decolonizing design research
El hacer como quehacer: notas para un diseño libre
Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond
Making work visible in the theater of service design
Design, Oppression, and Liberation 2
ProTesters: a board game for teaching the testing process
Matters of Care in forming feminist design coalitions
Assembling collective bodies to take care of the commons
Special Topics in Technology & Society: Álvaro Vieira Pinto
Iguaçú III community center (2022)
UTFPR Curitiba master plan (2022)
Can designers change systemic oppression?
Service integration for suicide prevention (2022)
The coloniality of making and its resistance in Brazil
Humanity is not a (shopping) center you can design for
Diseño y la colonialidad del hacer
Ethics and aesthetics of the experience designed for the Other
Breaking down oppressive citation patterns
Systemic oppression and systemic design
Visionary photomontage
Speculative design mockumentary
Design, Oppression, and Liberation
Assets and community engagement: a roundtable with HCI researchers and designers
Prospective Design: a research agenda for design interventions in sociotechnical systems
Relationality, commoning, and designing
Laboratory of Design against Oppression (LADO)
SURU’BA (2022)
Weaving design as a practice of freedom: Critical pedagogy in an insurgent network
Coming to terms with design wickedness: Reflections from a forum theatre on design thinking
Designers as cultural producers (2022)
Diseño Ontológico Crítico y la Contradicción de la Opresión
Forum Theater
Decolonizing Design Research towards the Pluriverse
Design pedagogy, the body, and solidarity in designing commons
Oppression reaction flowchart
User oppression in human-computer interaction: a dialectical-existential perspective
Historical ecosystem map
Object ecology map
Anachronistic photo
Differentialist graphs
Materiality in Codesign: interaction analysis of a design experiment with building blocks
Shared Management Handbook (2021)
Céu Brasileiro Memorial Bot (2021)
The role of games in developing transformative agency
Designing For / Designing Against
Wicked Problems, Wicked Designs (2021)
Design as a Practice of Freedom in Self-Managed Organizations
Existential time and historicity in interaction design
CFP Design, Oppression, and Liberation
Designing relations in Prospective Design
Design and Theater of the Oppressed
Technology-Mediated Oppression
Designing against oppression
Investigar-crear para la liberación
Whither Designs of the Oppressed?
Against Userism
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (2021)
Relational design and the contradiction of oppression
Publication Design
Designs of the Oppressed
Conservatism in Digital Trends: Findings from a differentialist analysis of influence graphs
Insurgent design coalitions: the history of the Design & Oppression network
Redesigning money as a tool for self-management in cultural production
Radical Alterity in Experience Design
Monster aesthetics as an expression of decolonizing the design body
Domesticated futures and monster aesthetics
Feral Creative Practices
Pluriversal Design Methods and Critical Ontological Design
Designing for Liberation in Solidarity Economy Circuits
Designing for Liberation
Prospecting a systemic design space for pandemic responses
The digital smoke: Infrastructural inversion of COVID-19 from the Yanomami perspective
The Invasion of the Gringo Design Thinker (2021)
Video-based interaction analysis
Visual oxymoron
Visual dialogue
Existentialist advisory practice
Metaphorical germ cell model
Formative intervention
Decolonizing whatever-centered design
Controversial design space mapping
Design & Oppression Network
Commoning Design: a Pluriversal Slide-Deck
Design and Precarious Work in Digital Platforms (2020)
Global South Futures of Design Education
The political body as a fulcrum for radical imagination in metadesign
A Visual Summary of Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970)
Latin American Service Design
The Anthropophagic Studio: Towards a Critical Pedagogy for Interaction Design
Commoning design and designing commons
Matters of Care in Designing a Feminist Coalition
Creative coding
Value Voting
Reflective Practice in software development studios: findings from an ethnographic study
Trajectory and traits of devigners: a qualitative study about transdisciplinarity in a software studio
Embodied Value-nets
Anthropophagy traces in a cultural commons platform
Research Methodology
Course design and design (in)discipline
Thinking with the whole body
Design and other types of thinking
What is a contradiction and why it is relevant to design research?
When black people move, all the possibilities of future move with them
Conscious Periphery COVID-19 communication (2020)
Prospective Design graduate program
Theater of the Techno-Oppressed
Lego Physical Oxymoron (LEPOX)
Stake Holder Analysis with Lovely Links (SHALL)
Seeking freedom in design
Designing Metaobjects for Collaboration, Participation and Debate
Participatory Design in Transition Projects from the Global South
Copel+ Platform (2018-2019)
Design for People: Laboratory of Design and Social Innovation
Business modelling
Open innovation ecosystem development
DADIN outreach network
Manifesto Design Dissenso (2019)
Women Coffee Worker Coalition (2019)
Sustainable design
Experience Design lecture
Apple Developer Academy PUCPR
Pattern-based codesign
Lego prototyping
Pattern-based collaborative design with cards deck
Problem Solution Problem (PSP)
Idea Market
Expansive Play
Participatory Undergrad Program Evaluation (2018)
Improvised Video as a Medium for Learning and Designing Interactions
Interaction Design Theater
Designing for liberation
Organizational Learning in Open Innovation Ecossystems
Every breath you take: Captured movements in the hyperconnected city
Cities and Technologies
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